Ffmpeg Magic: Combining Video Streams and Preserving Individual Inputs
Image by Nanete - hkhazo.biz.id

Ffmpeg Magic: Combining Video Streams and Preserving Individual Inputs

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Are you tired of dealing with multiple video streams and wanting a way to combine them into a single output while still preserving the individual streams? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of FFmpeg and explore how to achieve this seemingly complex task with ease.

What’s the Goal?

The goal is to take multiple video streams as input and produce an output that includes:

  • A combined video stream from all the inputs.
  • Exact video streams from each input, preserved in their original form.

This may seem like a contradictory requirement, but trust us, it’s possible with FFmpeg’s powerful features.

Understanding FFmpeg’s Input and Output Concepts

  • Input streams: These are the individual video streams you want to combine and preserve. You can think of them as separate video files or feeds.
  • Output streams: These are the resulting video streams created from the input streams. In our case, we want two types of output streams: a combined stream and individual streams.
  • Filters: These are FFmpeg’s built-in functions that allow you to manipulate and transform video streams. We’ll be using filters to combine and preserve our input streams.

The Solution: FFmpeg Command and Filters

Here’s the FFmpeg command that achieves our goal:

ffmpeg \
  -i input1.mp4 \
  -i input2.mp4 \
  -i input3.mp4 \
  -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v][2:v]concat=n=3:v=1[a];[0:v][0:a][1:v][1:a][2:v][2:a]concat=n=3:v=1:a=1[b]" \
  -map "[a]" -c:v libx264 -crf 18 output_combined.mp4 \
  -map "[0:v]" -c:v libx264 -crf 18 output_input1.mp4 \
  -map "[1:v]" -c:v libx264 -crf 18 output_input2.mp4 \
  -map "[2:v]" -c:v libx264 -crf 18 output_input3.mp4

Let’s break down this command:

  • -i input1.mp4, -i input2.mp4, and -i input3.mp4 specify the three input video files.
  • The -filter_complex option is used to define a complex filtergraph. In this case, we’re using two filters:
    • concat filter: This filter concatenates the video streams from the three inputs, creating a single combined stream. The n=3:v=1 option specifies that we want to concatenate three video streams, and [a] is the label for this output stream.
    • Another concat filter: This filter concatenates the video and audio streams from each input, preserving their original forms. The n=3:v=1:a=1 option specifies that we want to concatenate three video and audio streams, and [b] is the label for this output stream.
  • The -map options are used to select the desired output streams:
    • -map "[a]" selects the combined video stream from the first filter.
    • -map "[0:v]", -map "[1:v]", and -map "[2:v]" select the individual video streams from each input.
  • The -c:v libx264 and -crf 18 options specify the video codec and quality, respectively.

Output Files

The above command generates four output files:

  • output_combined.mp4: This file contains the combined video stream from all three inputs.
  • output_input1.mp4, output_input2.mp4, and output_input3.mp4: These files contain the exact video streams from each input, preserved in their original form.

Benefits and Use Cases

This approach offers several benefits and can be useful in various scenarios:

  • Multicamera recordings: Combine footage from multiple cameras into a single video stream while preserving individual camera feeds.
  • Video editing: Use FFmpeg to combine multiple video tracks into a single track, making it easier to edit and process the video.
  • Live streaming: Combine multiple video feeds into a single stream for live broadcasting, and preserve individual feeds for archiving or further processing.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to consider:

  • Customize filtergraph: Modify the filtergraph to suit your specific needs, such as adding audio filters or adjusting video parameters.
  • Input format: FFmpeg supports various input formats, including HLS, DASH, and more. Experiment with different input formats to combine streams from different sources.
  • Output format: Change the output format to suit your requirements, such as MP3 for audio-only files or JPEG for image sequences.
  • Parallel processing: Use FFmpeg’s parallel processing capabilities to speed up the encoding process, especially when dealing with large or high-resolution video inputs.


With FFmpeg, combining multiple video streams into a single output while preserving individual streams is a straightforward process. By mastering the fundamentals of FFmpeg’s input and output concepts, filters, and commands, you can unlock a world of possibilities for video processing and manipulation.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the requirements, choosing the right filters, and crafting the optimal command. Experiment with different scenarios, and don’t hesitate to explore FFmpeg’s extensive documentation and community resources for further assistance.

Keyword Description
FFmpeg A free, open-source, and widely-used command-line tool for video processing and manipulation.
Filtergraph A series of filters and instructions that define how FFmpeg processes video streams.
Concat filter A FFmpeg filter that concatenates multiple video or audio streams into a single stream.

Now, go forth and unleash the power of FFmpeg to combine and preserve your video streams!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of FFmpeg and unlock the secrets of combining video streams like a pro!

Q1: What is the purpose of combining video streams in FFmpeg?

FFmpeg allows you to combine multiple video streams into a single output, which is useful for creating complex video edits, adding overlays, or mixing multiple video sources. This can be achieved using the `-filter_complex` option, which enables you to specify the input streams and the output format.

Q2: How do I specify the input streams in FFmpeg?

To specify input streams, you can use the `-i` option followed by the input file or stream URL. For example, `-i input1.mp4 -i input2.mp4` would indicate two input streams. You can also specify additional options, such as `-vf` for video filter or `-af` for audio filter, to customize the input streams.

Q3: What is the difference between `-filter_complex` and `-vf` options in FFmpeg?

The `-filter_complex` option is used to specify a complex filtergraph, which allows you to combine multiple input streams and apply filters to them. The `-vf` option, on the other hand, is used to apply a simple video filter to a single input stream. While `-vf` can be used to apply basic filters, `-filter_complex` offers more advanced features and flexibility.

Q4: Can I output both the combined video stream and individual input streams in FFmpeg?

Yes, you can output both the combined video stream and individual input streams in FFmpeg. This can be achieved by using the `-map` option to specify the output streams. For example, `-map “[v:0][a:0]” -map “[v:1][a:1]”` would output both the combined stream and individual streams from the two input files.

Q5: Are there any limitations to combining video streams in FFmpeg?

While FFmpeg offers powerful features for combining video streams, there are some limitations to be aware of. For example, FFmpeg may struggle with very large or complex filtergraphs, and some filters may not be compatible with certain codecs or formats. Additionally, combining multiple high-resolution streams can be computationally intensive and may require significant system resources.

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